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Windsor Troy

Have you been charged with a sex crime? Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney TODAY

Most sex crimes are felonies, resulting in severe penalties that affect you for the rest of your life. If you have been charged with the crimes such as child pornography, child abuse, date rape, indecent exposure, internet pornography, sexual abuse, prostitution or any other sexual crimes in the Los Angeles area: Contact our offices immediately to schedule a free case evaluation and see how our experience can help you in your criminal case. Don’t face your case alone.

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What defines a sex crime?


Sex crimes often occur when violence and sexual acts are committed simultaneously, when the victim does not consent, or when the victim cannot consent. Due to the nature of sex crimes, people who are convicted of these crimes must register as sex offenders, which will have a significant impact on your work, professional and social life.

Different Categories of Sex Offenses

Involving violence and Lack of consent
If you have been accused of acting violently and using physical force against another person sexually, you can be charged with sexual assault or rape. This involves any form of unwanted sexual contact, from kissing to fondling to sexual penetration.

Involving Children

The age of consent in California is 18 years old. This means that anyone under the age of 18 is not sexually, cognitively or emotionally mature enough to consent to sex in the eyes of the law. If you are found guilty, you could face from a year in jail to life in prison.

Sex crimes committed in public

If you are facing a charge of public indecency, sexual misconduct, prostitution, or another type of public sex crime, contact us now. We will evaluate your case in a personalized and professional way and help you build a strong argument to present to the court that can increase your chances of a positive outcome.

We Can Help Defend You! You Are Not Alone

Lasting Consequences of a Sexual Crime Sentence

On Your Record

Since most of these crimes are serious, they will remain on your registry even after they are removed from the registry, which will affect your job and professional opportunities, among others.

Under Constant Observation

Even long after your conviction, you may have to report to the police from time to time to notify them of any changes such as giving them a current photograph, address changes, or your usernames and email accounts.


You may be barred from living in certain places or exercising your Second Amendment rights. You will almost certainly have to inform your neighbors about your status as a sex offender.

Falsely accused of a sex crime?

Many situations can occur where you can be wrongly accused of a sex crime such as sexual assault, rape, or abuse. For example, if your future ex-spouse decides to accuse you of a heinous sex crime to obtain sole custody of your children in a divorce case. This has happened!
Also, there are many people who out of jealousy, anger or revenge falsely accuse a person of child sexual abuse. An extremely serious crime in California, which causes social and employment consequences for those punished for committing a sexual offense against minors.

Get in touch with Windsor Troy

We provide an aggressive, valid, and robust defense against sex crime charges in the Los Angeles area. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are here ready to help you.

Do not hesitate to contact us. We are here ready to help you.

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